Workout Tips

Cuts, scrapes, and burns happen, but they don't have to mar your canvas. Here, experts on dermatology and wound healing offer their tips on healing your ugliest injuries quickly.
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Hit the freezer, stat. Bruises form when blood flows out of busted vessels. So icing a developing bruise quickly narrows those vessels and prevents blood from escaping. Net result: a smaller black-and-blue area right off the bat, says Anne Marie Tremaine, M.D., of Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates in Long Beach, Calif.
Then rub on a bruise cream. Formulas containing 5 percent vitamin K or 20 percent of the mountain herb arnica caused the ugly spots to vanish more quickly than plain petroleum did, a recent British Journal of Dermatology study found. That may be because they stimulated the immune responses that break down cellular debris, speeding the rate at which the escaped blood reabsorbs. Try Dixie Health Dermal-K Vitamin K Clarifying Cream.
See a doc if: The bruise is firm and hard or excessively tender, especially if it doesn't improve over time. You might have hidden bleeding below the surface, says Aaron Clark, D.O., assistant professor and family medicine physician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Cuts and Scrapes
Next time you skin your knee or slice your finger, skip harsh rubbing alcohol or peroxide, which can damage healthy skin cells. Wash the wound with plain soap and water instead, advises Dr. Clark.
Don't “let it breathe”–hard scabs that form in open air interfere with optimal healing, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
Instead, create a moist, bacteria-free environment by covering the wound in petroleum jelly and a bandage. (You might want to skip the antibacterial ointments–they can trigger an allergic reaction that adds redness, swelling, and itching, Dr. Tremaine points out).
Once you've healed, protect the area from sunlight for at least 2 weeks: Your recently-damaged skin is prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a shakeup of dark-colored cells called melanocytes that prompts the area to tan more quickly than the surrounding tissue. That'll leave your skin tone uneven.
See a doc if: You have a wound so gaping you'd need stitches to hold the skin together, or if you develop signs of infection, including swelling, excessive redness, or pus.
Minor Burns
Run cool water over the burn for 3 to 5 minutes, says Shilpi Agarwal, M.D., a family medicine physician with One Medical Group in Los Angeles
Then forget everything else you ever heard about burns. Icing the injury is a no -go, because the dramatic temperature shift can cause added damage, Dr. Tremaine says. Same goes for butter–it can actually trap in heat and increase infection risk.
Related: 7 Lies You've Been Told about Your Body.
Reach for aloe vera gel instead, Dr. Agarwal recommends, and apply twice daily. Not only does the extract from this succulent plant cool and soothe, but a recent Japanese study suggests molecules within it called sterols stimulate the growth of collagen and other key compounds in skin cells.
See a doc if: A burn covers an area larger than about the size of your palm, affects sensitive areas like your genitals, causes blistering or other signs of severe skin damage, or develops signs of infection, like increasing pain, swelling, oozing, or fever.
Resist the urge to pop–intact blisters heal more quickly and pose less risk of infection, Dr. Clark says. Just cover them with a Band-Aid or moleskin to protect against future friction. They should heal up within a week.
If blisters bust on their own, don't snip or tear away the remaining skin flap. Smooth it down, then treat the area like a cut or scrape: Wash with soap and water, cover with petroleum jelly, and top with a clean bandage. Then do your best to steer clear of the activity or pair of shoes that caused them until the area heals.
See a doc if: You spot signs of infection, such as warmth, red streaks, or swollen lymph nodes around the blister. Also check in with your doc if you suddenly develop multiple blisters for no apparent reason, Dr. Clark says –you might have a skin condition like shingles or scabies that needs treatment.
Poison Ivy
Urushiol is the oil in poison ivy, oak, or sumac that causes you to break out. If you've accidentally come into contact with it, wash your hands, body, and clothing as soon as possible after exposure, Dr. Clark says.
Don't attempt to vanquish the resulting blistering rash with harsh home remedies like bleach. You'll only cause added damage to your skin, he warns. Instead, the best course of action is actually scratch prevention–popping the blisters slows healing and increases your risk of infection.
So take baths with colloidal oatmeal–the finely ground grain contains anti-inflammatory nutrients like vitamin E and vitamin B– and pop an oral antihistamine. Banish unconscious nighttime scratching by keeping your nails trimmed or even wearing light gloves while you sleep. (Plus, Scratching an Itch Makes It Worse.)
See a doc if: You have trouble breathing or swallowing–signs of a severe allergic reaction–or the rash covers your face, genitals, or most of your body.
Blame the human papillomavirus (aka HPV) for most of these unpleasant growths. To treat them, apply an over-the-counter product containing salicylic acid every night and cover with a bandage or duct tape–some studies suggest the sticky adhesive heals warts more quickly, perhaps by stimulating the body's immune response.
Even then, expect the process to take months. For faster results, book an appointment with a dermatologist. Office treatments such as freezing and injections can dispatch most growths a bit more quickly, Dr. Tremaine says.
See a doc if: You want to move wart treatment along more quickly, but especially if the growth appears on your face (salicylic acid may be too harsh, Dr. Tremaine says) or on your fingers and toes. Your immune system has a harder time revving up in those places–it's a natural reaction that prevents your body from attacking your own nails.
Nip painful, bloody hangnails in the bud by soaking your fingers in warm water for 15 minutes, then cutting them off with nail clippers. Keep the resulting wound covered with petroleum jelly and a non-stick bandage for a day or two–then keep your hands moisturized to prevent the next hangnail, Dr. Tremaine suggests.
Related: 9 Nail Problems You Shouldn't Ignore.
See a doc if: You develop an infection called paronychia. Signs include redness, swelling, tenderness, and oozing pus along the edge of your nail.
The post How to Rid Yourself of Warts, Blisters, Hang Nails (and More) Faster appeared first on Workout Tips.
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