Workout Tips

If you've ever been out climbing or hiking, you've probably seen guys slacklining–using nylon webbing as a sort of tightrope, with trees or rocks as anchor points. It looks hard enough just balancing on two feet, but a group of yogis have taken it to the extreme with Slackline Yoga. Jason Magness and his friends were at a yoga conference in 2005 when they started playing around with doing yoga poses on a slackline. What they found was a whole body workout that not only built functional strength, but helped heal Magness's IT band injury. Plus, it's one of the toughest core strengtheners we've ever seen. But don't worry, we're not asking you to tackle the high beam to get your rock-hard abs.
Go Steady
“Slackline Yoga is a low impact, therapeutic workout, but it really builds a lot of heat in your body,” says Magness. “We taught a huge ex-body builder and he was pouring sweat in minutes.” Unlike traditional sit ups and crunches, every move in Slackline Yoga integrates your core with the rest of your body, making it the center of gravity.
Training toward this fluid balance will get you that six-pack, and it won't just be for show. “With sports like surfing, soccer, climbing, you're going in and out of balance all the time. On the slackline, the line never stops moving so you've got to [work and] integrate your entire core to stay on,” he says.
Slackline Yoga forces practitioners to stay completely focused (a plus for athletes in competition), control their breath, and let go of anxiety. If you don't stay present, you'll fall off the line. The less you think about your next date or big work deadline, the longer you'll be able to stay steady.
But let's be realistic, there aren't many of us who'll just go out and string up a rope to do our at-home practice. Instead, here are some Slackline-inspired poses that'll really get your abs working.
Each pose uses dynamic movement to tap your core as you try to stabilize. If you're working too hard and breathing unsteadily, it's time to stop. “You can push the edge, but shaking violently because you want to do 2 or 3 more is going to build negative reinforcement between your mind and your body,” says Magness.
The Workout
Unlike traditional sit ups and crunches, every move in Slackline Yoga works your core in combination with the rest of your body, making it the center of gravity. This fluid balance will get you that six-pack but they won't just be for show. “With sports like surfing, soccer, climbing, you're going in and out of balance all the time. On the slackline, the line never stops moving so you've got to integrate your entire core to stay on,” says founder Jason Magness (pictured here).
Praying to the Robot God 1
Start on all fours. Lift your feet and shins off the ground so only your knees touch.
Praying to the Robot God 2
Extend your right arm forward while you lift your left leg behind you. Only your knees and left hand touch the floor. Hold for 30 seconds (about 6-8 full, slow breaths)
Praying to the Robot God 3
Bring your right hand and left knee back to the ground simultaneously.
Praying to the Robot God 4
Do not let your feet touch the floor as you switch so your left hand is stretched in front and right leg extended back. Hold for 30 seconds.
Do 10-20 reps back and forth.
Praying to the Robot God 5
Advanced: As you switch, first bring your knee to the ground, then hold your hands in front of you in Prayer position so only your knees touch. You'll be slightly tipped forward. Then switch sides.
Side Plank 1
Come into a normal Side Plank, either on your right hand or on your forearm.
Free your bottom (right) leg so that you're balancing on your top (left) leg. Extend your top leg forward to contract your abs. If you can, straighten it so that you form an “L” with your legs. Hold for up to 30 seconds.
Side Plank 2
Tuck your bottom leg through center and reach it backwards as you lean your torso forward. Reach your left arm up and forward. Hold for up to 30 seconds.
Do 10-20 reps. Concentrate less on doing a lot of reps and more on breathing smoothly and moving with control. If you start to shake, it's time to come down.
One Leg Rock 1
Start in Plow. Rock yourself backwards with your arms on the floor by your ears.
One Leg Rock 2
As you rock forward, bend your right leg so your right foot is flat on the floor. Bring your arms overhead. You're not trying to stand up, but just lift. Extend your left leg straight forward so that your torso is upright.
One Leg Rock 3
Bring your arms straight in front of you. You'll be balanced on your right foot, with your butt off the ground.
Roll back into Plow. Switch sides so your left foot is flat on the floor, right leg extended forward. Don't let your butt touch the floor!
Do 20 times in a row, 10 on each side.
Rolling Pike 1
You'll need an exercise ball for this move
Come into a Plank/Pushup position on the ball. Your hands are on the floor, shoulders stacked over your wrists. Your knees are on the ball, bent so your feet are up.
Rolling Pike 2
Inhale as you roll the ball towards your hand by lifting your hips. Eventually you'll have your toes on the top of the ball. Your body is hinged from your hips, arms are straight and strong. The full position of this is almost as though you're about to do a handstand.
Exhale back into plank. Work towards 20 in a row.
Rolling Pike 3
As an option, when you exhale, instead of going back to plank, roll the ball back further so that your stomach and shoulders stretch. Then you have to use your abs and shoulders to get you back to plank and up into the pike.
Standing Ab Balance 1
Use a strap or sock for this pose
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Put the strap around the arch of your right foot and bend into a forward fold. Let your arms dangle by your sides or rest lightly on the ground.
Standing Ab Balance 2
Lift up your chest and flatten your back. Bring your weight into your left foot and lift your right foot straight out to the side, keeping the leg straight. Try to get the leg up to 45 degrees. Put arm out to the side to stabilize yourself.
Do 5-10 reps on each side.
The post Get Rock-Hard Abs with Yoga appeared first on Workout Tips.
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